Geoscience BC Membership

The transition to a lower carbon economy increases demand for British Columbia’s natural resources, and with it the need for quality public geoscience to inform evidence-based decisions, including those relating to critical minerals and metals supply, emissions reduction and cleaner energy generation.

Geoscience BC membership opportunities make it easy for a wide range of partners to support, provide input, network and stay up to date on Geoscience BC minerals, energy and water research.

Corporate, Individual, Student and Associate memberships provide a variety of opportunities to suit industry, academia, communities, Indigenous groups and governments as we work towards shared goals.










Membership Benefits

Corporate Membership* Individual Membership** Student Membership*** Associate Membership****
Collaboration and Information
Public demonstration of support for shared public geoscience goals
Updates on research project planning, progress and completion / results
Career development and networking opportunities
Project and Program Design
Input into developing research themes / program focus
Advance notice of research co-funding opportunities
Research Investment and Partnership
Eligible to sponsor and partner on research programs and projects
Collaboration and Information
Public demonstration of support for shared public geoscience goals
Updates on research project planning, progress and completion / results
Career development and networking opportunities
Project and Program Design
Input into developing research themes / program focus
Advance notice of research co-funding opportunities
Research Investment and Partnership
Eligible to sponsor and partner on research programs and projects
Public demonstration of support for shared public geoscience goals
Updates on research project planning, progress and completion / results
Career development and networking opportunities
Project and Program Design
Input into developing research themes / program focus
Advance notice of research co-funding opportunities
Research Investment and Partnership
Eligible to sponsor and partner on research programs and projects
Public demonstration of support for shared public geoscience goals
Updates on research project planning, progress and completion / results
Career development and networking opportunities
Project and Program Design
Input into developing research themes / program focus
Advance notice of research co-funding opportunities
Research Investment and Partnership
Eligible to sponsor and partner on research programs and projects
Public demonstration of support for shared public geoscience goals
Updates on research project planning, progress and completion / results
Career development and networking opportunities
Project and Program Design
Input into developing research themes / program focus
Advance notice of research co-funding opportunities
Research Investment and Partnership
Eligible to sponsor and partner on research programs and projects

*Any organization with employees working in BC or working on BC-based projects from out of province. Large (300+ employees); Medium (25-299 employees); and Small (1-24 employees). Includes bonus Individual memberships (5 for Large; 3 for Medium; 2 for Small).

** Any person

*** Any student registered in a post-secondary institution

**** Any person or organization

Join Now

A PDF version of this form is available here. Paying members who would like to pay by cheque should use the PDF form. 

This form is for Geoscience BC 2022-2023 memberships, starting April 1, 2022.